Meet the team
Name | Position |
Professor Melanie Johnston-Hollitt | Director |
Alex Massen-Hane | Software Developer |
Amanda Del Valle | Senior Business Analyst – ARDC |
Anusha Gadigatla | Software Developer |
Arun Veluchamy | Project Manager |
Dr Batbold Sangi | Software Developer |
Calvin Pang | Data Scientist |
Camila Herrera Palavercino | Administrative Officer |
Chaital Vasta | Project Officer |
Dr Dagmawi Tadesse | Data Scientist |
Dr Daniel Marrable | Director - Innovation Central Perth (Seconded) |
Joel Dunstan | Software Developer |
Josh Williams | Software Developer |
Joshua Norton | Project Tools/Systems Developer |
Juanaili Hultzsch | Institute Administrator |
Kamila Durakova | Project Officer |
Dr Kathryn Napier | CIDS Lead Data Scientist (Seconded), COKI Lead Data Scientist (Substantive) |
Keegan Smith | Software Developer – COKI |
Kylie Black | Research Data Specialist (Sensitive Data Expert) – ARDC |
Leigh Tyers | High Performance Computational Specialist |
Matthias Liffers | Product Manager (Persistent Identifier Services) – ARDC |
Nick Jenkins | Program Manager (Research Software Specialist) – ARDC |
Dr Paul Hancock | Data Science Project Lead – ADACS |
Dr Rebecca Handcock | Senior Data Scientist – COKI |
Rike McLernon | Business Manager |
Dr Sawitchaya (Nancy) Tippaya | Senior Data Scientist |
Shan Shan Ng | Project Coordinator |
Shantelle Smith | Research Officer |
Tom Rath | Software Developer |
Dr Torrance Hodgson | Senior Data Scientist – PaCER |
Trish Radotic | RDA Regional Community Manager (Oceania & East Asia) – ARDC |
Dr Uno Fang | Data Scientist |
Dr Valentina Tiporlini | Business Development Manager |
Veelash Mongar | Software Developer |
Youngwoo (Paul) Kim | Communications and Marketing Officer |

CIDS Affiliated HDR and MPA Students

CIDS Alumni
We are proud of our alumni, who in the past, contributed immensely to the Institute.