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Past Events

WADSIH Data & AI for Business Conference & Exhibition | 2 – 3 August, 2023
Innovate Your Business with Data & AI. The key theme for the Conference is exploring the Artificial Intelligence revolution, bringing together a diverse group of WA industry professionals and data science providers to explore how AI, Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics can be used for business innovation and growth.

National Science Week, Anti-Conference | 11 – 12 August, 2023
The Anti-conference: Innovation, Inspiration, Intelligence. Western Australia’s Flagship event for National Science Week 2023, get ready to immerse yourself in WA’s latest innovation.

Mining Innovation Roadshow | 1 September, 2023
Transforming Our Future: Embracing Innovation and Collaboration for a Sustainable Future. Austmine’s Mining Innovation Roadshow Events provide a valuable platform for the METS and mining communities to exchange ideas, foster connections, and stay updated on the latest advancements in mining.

Indo-Pacific Space & Earth Conference | 23 – 24 October, 2023
Bringing together leaders from across the Indo-Pacific and beyond for opportunities in space and cross-sector technologies and innovation.

Astrofest | 18 November, 2023
An astronomy festival of epic proportions for the whole family to enjoy! As well as optical and radio telescopes observing throughout the day and night, Astrofest will feature a myriad of interesting, engaging and exciting indoor and outdoor activities for the whole family.