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Our People

Curtin Institute for Data Science is Australia’s largest university-based data science research institute.

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Software Developer – ADACS

Martin Cupak

Martin completed a Master of Computer Science from Czech Technical University in Prague in 1997 and since has been involved in a number of software-intensive projects and programmes in the areas of astronomy, and space research and technology. He was responsible for onboard software in the frame of several space projects (including scientific instrument software on two ESA missions, SWARM and Solar Orbiter). Since 1999, Martin has had a key role in the development of embedded instrument control software and data handling/processing software for ground-based research programmes, mostly in the field of fireball observation and fresh meteorite recovery.

After his studies, Martin worked for a few years at the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, later becoming an independent software developer for the same institute and for the Czech Aerospace Industry. In 2013, he moved to WA as a research software developer for the Curtin-based Space Science & Technology Centre. Using his earlier experience, he helped to develop, deploy and operate the Desert Fireball Network and, later, the Global Fireball Observatory. He was also mentoring the software team members within the BINAR space programme.

Martin joined the CIDS in January 2023 as a software developer to work on ADACS projects. He has broad experience that covers the coding of embedded software in assembly on one end and working with petabyte-scale datasets on the other end.

His key competencies and research interests include:

• Linux systems, from embedded to supercomputing
• Software development life cycle: specification, design, coding, testing and documentation, including software project management, with hands-on experience applying ESA standards
• HW/SW interaction troubleshooting and fieldwork